Historical of The Evangelical Protestant Church of Banankabougou
The Evangelical Protestant Church of Banankabougou is one of the Churches of the District of Torokorobougou, which is itself composed of 16 large Churches.
Indeed the District of Torokorobougou is an integral part of the denomination which is the Protestant Evangelical Church in Mali (EEPM).
In 1994, the church of Banankabougou was born by the grace of God and it sits Banankabougou since its creation until our days.
The Church began under a straw haggard. God be gracious, the faithful have built a haggard this time with sheet metal sheets surrounded by cement walls. A few years ago, with the contributions and motivations of the faithful, the Church began a major construction project for a building which is still in progress, but services have now been held in this building for almost 5 years.
Moreover, from the creation of the Church to the present day, two servants of God have succeeded one another. Pastor Jean Siriman KONE, he has been serving in this church for about 27 years. He was the first Pastor of the Church, from its beginning until 2018 when he gave way to Pastor Mama Joseph DIARRA, current Pastor of the Church.
The Evangelical Protestant Church of Banankabougou, nowadays receives about 500 faithful during worship. This figure refers to men, women and children.
Finally, the Evangelical Protestant Church of Banankabougou for the good management of the church has Statutes and Regulations and for the composition of the councils and for the membership of the Choirs. to consult them follow the following link: Information
The Evangelical Protestant Church of Banankabougou around 1997.

The new temple under construction.